Friday, July 9, 2010

Saturday morning run and a plug for the Kid's Run

We'll be out there again tomorrow morning for 6 miles or so of easy running.  8:00 a.m. in the main parking lot.  Join for all or part if you like.  If 6 miles isn't enough, keep going once we're done!  After the run, a few of us are going to meet in the shelter to nail down some details on the race.

This is also a a plug to have your kids come out of the 1K Fun Run.  We're really excited to offer the Fun Run this year.  Among other things, this is the first step in our efforts to establish on-site nature education classes, including "play classes", for kids at Indian Lake.  We'd love to see more kids on the trails at Indian Lake, looking for birds, bugs, and toads, and working alongside us as we restore the beautiful prairies and trails that make Indian Lake so special.  Hey, did you know that planting prairie flower seeds is actually the perfect job for a 3-year old?

Why are we doing this?  Part of the inspiration for the Fun Run and starting the classes is Richard Louv's book Last Child in the Woods.  The book talks about the divide that has come between children and the outdoors.  Louv discusses recent research that links the lack of outdoor exposure - he calls it Nature Deficit Disorder - to some of the most disturbing childhood trends, including obesity, attention disorders, and depression.  He also makes lots of practical suggestions for getting kids outside.  It's a good read.  And, whether you ultimately agree with his conclusions or not, it still seems like a pretty darn good idea to get your kids out on the trails!!  We hope you'll join us!

1 comment:

  1. It's a great book, Skwryl. We're all happier when we play in the forest...on a trail...or off of one.
